Adventures in Design Research… tells the stories of 57 personal design researchers’ journeys. Based in universities across the UK, each one of the 57 stories portray a rich and diverse personal account of the design researcher’s journey from what they did before going to university, through to what they studied, the adventures they had outside their formal education and training, their PhD research, their post-PhD lives, to what they do now. Illustrated in a visual timeline, each story includes details about the people that have played significant roles in the design researcher’s journey, the work and other experiences they have had during their journey, what they studied and where, the personal choices and reasons behind their decision-making as well as the challenges they have faced and the opportunities they have been given.
We hope that Adventures in Design Research… will provide a highly valuable resource for design researchers everywhere. The timelines highlight significant moments faced by the 57 design researchers including gaps in support and personal successes. In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and great uncertainty, Adventures in Design Research… presents the journeys of 57 design researchers who are looking to break new ground in the months and years ahead. Adventures in Design Research… shows how 57 diversedesign researchers across the UK are takingon many of these complex challenges such asdeveloping design tools and processes that will support people living with dementia to live high quality lives, designing interventions for supporting more inclusive breastfeeding practices, and designing methods for producing more sustainable practices.
Adventures in Design Research… highlights the amazing design research talent we have in the UK. Moreover, the timelines illustrate clearly the innovative and creative ways of working that will ensure our designed futures are in safe hands.